This existing two-story 39,000 square foot building was opened to the public in 1980. Twenty years later, plans were developing to renovate the entire interior of the facility. It soon became evident that no amount of refurbishing, renovations or new furnishings could accommodate the growing needs of the city and the community. The project evolved to include a new two-story addition to the building. The new building now houses the needs of the city today, as well as tomorrow. In addition to the renovations and expansions, the building’s HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems were totally upgraded. As the building was expanded, the site was re-configured allowing for better access and security.
Three other unique achievements of the project are worthy of mention as well. One unique aspect about the site re-configuration was its storm water management and retention, which resulted in improving the environmental impact on the Clinton River Watershed. Secondly, the technology upgrades at the Rochester Hills City Hall brought the city into the world of web-based learning and information sharing. A document table and visualizer were installed for presentations and provide quick access to records available for public viewing at the touch of a finger to the screen! And thirdly, during this enormous building project and renovation undertaking, the offices of the city administration never moved out of the building. They continued to work as the environment around them took on a different shape every day, which speaks to the amazing coordination and management of the work and scheduling of this successful project!